I don't believe it, not only do I forget my password repeatedly but I've also managed to delete around 3 posts, goodness knows what I'm up to!! I don't know. I swear as well that everytime I log in they have changed the ways things work and I can't find anything, either that or everytime I log in I forgot what I'm doing.
I did have a little spurt with posts back in May when I was on holiday, maybe I can keep that up again come September as I'm on holiday again.....yeah!!
I have to admit that since being out here in New Zealand - this is the longest period of time ever when I have not done any sport or horse riding - shocking I now and I'm beginning to miss it big time. Funnily enough I'm not missing the pond hoping to the US and Europe as much as I thought I would so that is cool - and well I think I realise that anytime I fancy making a trip like that it won't be a problem.
I need to purchase a wetsuit soon for my surfing, snorkelling and for the Marine Mammal Medic course I'm due to do in October - I'm looking for that. Once I've passed the course I'll be put on to the New Zealand national database and will be called up for any whale strandings.
Art/photography - I've been really slow here, I've seen some absoluately fabulous window displays - proper art ones and not your crap fashion type....I took some photos, some I accidently deleted and others I hope to get up here at some point. I've really been quite busy at work so I haven't had much time for doing anything or catching up with things.
Travelling links - I really should put some links up for places that I would highly recommend from Native American Reservations in the US, North Idaho and Montana to the farm/stables in Portugal. Man I miss the horses, I don't think there is any smell I love more than horses!