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Wandering spirit....

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Getting old before you know it....

It appears to be a bit of a repetitive theme at present for me to discover that I am 'too old' for something, not often but sometimes I am ' too young' for something to, but it isn't often that I am discovering I am the 'right' age for something.

When I finished University aged 27 I discovered that the railcard I had was for 'Under 25s' and those in full time education, as my degree had just finished I was no longer able to apply for another 'Young Person's Railcard'. I asked what the next discount railcard was only to be informed it was the 'Old Age Pensioner' one. With nothing in-between for us aged 25 - 65, would you call us 'middle aged' I asked, 'no' was the answer she gave. So life continued as it does today with me paying the full adult rate for all train transport around the UK.

On a London Tube recently I discovered that up to the age of 35 (not over) I am eligible for IVF treatment - this is fantastic news if I wanted a baby and considering the fact that few Countries will allow me any kidn of working/holiday visa due to my age. Dispite the fact I've worked since I was 15 years old, I hold a 2:1 degree and have no criminal record once you past that age of 25 (or for some) 30 you are refused any visa of any kind and doomed to sit in your own Country for the rest of your life, unless of corse, you are one of the lucky ones with a professional/career and some amazing skills to go with it. I didn't discover Overseas Work Visas until I was already over the age of 25, it just wasn't something that was put my way or offered to me, or as silly as it sounds, we didn't have the internet to go and search something up and take up an overseas offer. If you weren't told about it, you simply never got to hear of it.

Three years ago then I was looking at BUNAC and discovered that they offered a special IEP Working Visa for New Zealand (ONLY) for those up to the age of 35 years. Thrilled as I was I looked into this, but never took it up as I felt leaving a flat behind in the UK that I couldn't sell (because of the economy) but needed to pay for wouldn't help my cause. Imagine my surprise when I discovered a month ago that I am STILL eligible for this visa - oh yes, you can apply and be accepted for the visa at 35yrs old and you can go at 36, you just can't TURN 36 yrs before being accepted for the visa. Needless to say, I have around applied and paid for the visa and am awaiting the very beautiful, wonderful IEP working Visa. I hope to start working in New Zealand in October 2011. I am as you might say 'over the moon' and looking forward to it all.